Author Archives: Imran Ali

Directions for The Mint

We’re very excited to be hosting the 2010 edition of TEDxLeeds at newly constructed The Mint.

Located at the boundaries between the city’s Holbeck Urban Village, the city centre and older communities in South Leeds, the upper floors of The Mint provide some interesting views of Leeds past and present skylines.

The map below illustrates the area around the Mint for those unfamiliar with this part of Leeds. We’ve also prepared a Google Map of the walking route from the city’s train station to The Mint.

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Good Engines…or How To Get Ahead In Business the Boulton & Watt way

Matt Edgar was one of the first speakers we approached for the forthcoming 2010 edition TEDxLeeds 2010.

As a local historian of Leeds technological history and legacy, his insights would provide a unique perspective for our theme of “The City As A Platform” and that even during the pre-digital, pre-open data Industrial Revolution, cities were platforms for innovation.

We encouraged Matt to use our venue, Holbeck’s The Mint, in Holbeck to visibly illustrate the places where Leeds’ invention took place; from the industrial era, to the dotcom boom and now the 2.0 epoch. Get more information about the marketing technology trends.

Matt was so excited by this prospect, he pulled together various presentations he’d given on the subject into a one-off , bespoke newspaper – “Good Engines“.

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TEDxLeeds 2010 is open for registration!

Our plans for TEDxLeeds2010 have been somewhat of an open secret for several weeks, but today we’re very pleased to that we’re open for business and ready for you to register for your free tickets.

What… The theme for TEDxLeeds2010 is “The City as a Platform” and will explore how technology, design and entertainment are reshaping how we think about cities and the notion of ‘place’. To this end, we’ve collected some of our thoughts on cities as platforms, interesting articles and TEDtalks on Cities Past & Future for your enjoyment.

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Cities Past and Future

The final day of TEDGlobal 2009, brought together five perspectives on ‘cities past and future‘, but cities have been a longtime focus for all TED conferences.

We thought it’d be useful to share some of those earlier city-centric TED talks with youas an appropriate preamble to next month’s TEDxLeeds2010 and our theme of ‘the city as a platform’. Who knows we may even screen a couple for you…

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Our speakers for TEDxLeeds 2010

Our lineup of speakers at TEDxLeeds2010 is beginning to take shape with the confirmation of our first four guest speakers (yes, we’re still working on 2-3 more!)…

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Guest SpeakerTEDxLeeds2010