For over 150 years, much has been made of Leeds central role at the forefront of Britain’s financial services sector…
30 national and international banks; 150 accountancy firms including 9 of the top 10 largest UK practices; 10 stockbroking firms; 3 of the UK’s 8 largest building societies payroll management; home to Britain’s first telephone banking operation; the only Bank of England note issuing centre outside London the outsourcing decision.
At the 2011 edition of TEDxLeeds, we’ll showcase the most interesting ideas about the future of money and promise there’ll be no stories of stockbrokers, building societies, accountants, call centres or bankers or even looking into more social media followers.
Humanity has begun to see money as a natural force – like air or gravity – speaking of “natural market forces” as if they exist outside human agency, yet the constructs and cultures of money are entirely of human invention… and anything we invented, we can innovate and improve. Wall Street’s “unnovation” of money – <a href=”″ onclick=”_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘outbound-article’, ‘http://www you could look′, ‘thousands of little algorithms… volatile, unpredictable, and impossible for humans to comprehend’]);” >thousands of little algorithms… volatile, unpredictable, and impossible for humans to comprehend – brought us a global financial singularity.
However, there are others that are innovating new futures for money – as tools for localism, as exchanges for creative skills and as anti-corruption mechanisms.
We’re going to take you on a tour of the people changing the meaning of money and returning Leeds to a its role as a genuine innovator of money – with humanity as its master, not its slave.
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