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Vijay Anand

Vijay Anand is a crusader against corruption; as a co-founder and president of 5th Pillar, Anand has sought to empower Indians in tackling corruption at all levels of Indian society.

The Zero Rupee Note project has been one of 5th Pillar’s most successful initiatives, distributing millions of zero-denomination notes as tangible tokens of bribery.

Anand has spoken at the UN’s Convention Against Corruption, services on the board of the National Federation of Indian-American Associations and is also the founder of AIMS India Foundation, dedicated to assisting rural communities with education and healthcare.

Find out more about Vijay’s work at the 5th Pillar website (PDF link) or catch his talk, Combating Corruption, from the Poptech 2010 conference.

BiographyGuest Speaker

TEDxLeeds2012: Money Talks

For over 150 years, Leeds has played a central role at the forefront of Britain’s financial services sector, as the nation’s secondary fiscal hub…

30 national and international banks; 150 accountancy firms including 9 of the top 10 largest UK practices; 10 stockbroking firms; 3 of the UK’s 8 largest building societies; home to Britain’s first telephone banking operation; the only Bank of England note issuing centre outside London.

At TEDxLeeds2012, we’ll be showcasing the most interesting ideas about the future of money and promise that any stories of stockbrokers, building societies, accountants, call centres or bankers will be challenging and provocative!

Humanity has begun to see money as a natural force – like air or gravity – speaking of “market forces” as if they exist outside human agency, yet the constructs and cultures of money are entirely of human invention… and consequently anything we invent, we can innovate and enhance. Wall Street’s “unnovation” of money – thousands of little algorithms… volatile, unpredictable, and impossible for humans to comprehend – brought us a global financial singularity, which still threatens to form a black hole…

However, there are others that are innovating new futures for money – as tools for localism, as exchanges for creative skills and as anti-corruption mechanisms. We’re going to take you on a tour of people currently remixing the meaning of money. Leeds is a city of inventors and TEDxLeeds will return Leeds to its role as an innovator of money.

But this won’t be simply be about talking heads. TEDxLeeds is about activism, and we intend to demonstrate some of the ideas being discussed…

  • a basic clothes swap
  • the creation of a local currency (a Leeds Pound? the Holbuck? the Jimmy? the Loiner? the Ludos?) which will exist for just the evening of 29th February!

Session 0: Registration & Screenings

Session 1: Riots & Coins

  • 5:45 pm – Introduction, Ivor Tymchak
  • 6:00 pm – Riotonomics, Lee Jackson
  • 6:10 pm – Money: the Great Confidence Trick?Dorron Otter
  • 6:20 pm – Community Currencies and the Brixton Pound, Simon Woolf
  • 6:45 pm – Complimentary Currency SystemsRichard Logie
  • 7:30 pm – Interval, Refreshments & Networking

Session 2: Exchanges & Zeroes

Urbanized… the design of cities

TEDxLeeds2010 brought together a number of designers, artists and technologists to explore the notion of The City As A Platform, so it’s a real pleasure for us to present Gary Hustwit’s latest work, Urbanized.

Urbanized is director Gary Hustwit’s third feature-length documentary; exploring the design of cities, the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers business finance.

We’re looking at arranging a screening of Urbanized as part of LSx’s Buffering… series in the near future. In the meantime, you can rent a HD stream of the film over at the official movie site and embedded above.

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Susan Williamson: For whom do we Build, Design, Make

Susan Williamson is a retail architect and social scientist who started her UK career 25 years ago during the shopping centre boom. She found her interest increasingly turned to the rationale – both cultural and economic – behind transactional spaces.

Susan’s TEDxLeeds talk focussed on the stories behind such transactional spaces and the expert users of those spaces how to use HR portal: the shoppers, workers, walkers, talkers , the performers and those who simply lurk.

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CitiesGuest Speaker

Previewing TEDxLeeds2011: Money Talks

For over 150 years, much has been made of Leeds central role at the forefront of Britain’s financial services sector…

30 national and international banks; 150 accountancy firms including 9 of the top 10 largest UK practices; 10 stockbroking firms; 3 of the UK’s 8 largest building societies payroll management; home to Britain’s first telephone banking operation; the only Bank of England note issuing centre outside London the outsourcing decision.


At the 2011 edition of TEDxLeeds, we’ll showcase the most interesting ideas about the future of money and promise there’ll be no stories of stockbrokers, building societies, accountants, call centres or bankers or even looking into more social media followers.

Humanity has begun to see money as a natural force – like air or gravity – speaking  of “natural market forces” as if they exist outside human agency, yet the constructs and cultures of money are entirely of human invention… and anything we invented, we can innovate and improve. Wall Street’s “unnovation” of money – <a href=”″ onclick=”_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘outbound-article’, ‘http://www you could look′, ‘thousands of little algorithms… volatile, unpredictable, and impossible for humans to comprehend’]);” >thousands of little algorithms… volatile, unpredictable, and impossible for humans to comprehend – brought us a global financial singularity.

However, there are others that are innovating new futures for money – as tools for localism, as exchanges for creative skills and as anti-corruption mechanisms.

We’re going to take you on a tour of the people changing the meaning of money and returning Leeds to a its role as a genuine innovator of money – with humanity as its master, not its slave.

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