Tag Archives: Science

Erinma Ochu

Erinma OchuErinma Ochu is passionate about mass collaboration, mass participation and citizen-led social innovation.

With a Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellowship, Erinma has been exploring the cultural value of citizen science and innovative ways the public can participate in biomedical research.

Erinma’s recent citizen science and open data collaborations include HookedEveryday Growing Cultures and Turing’s Sunflowers.

Trained originally as a neuroscientist, Erinma’s career spans the film, TV and cultural sector. Recent citizen-led initiatives including: Manchester Beacon and Catalyst, exploring how technology can support citizen-led social innovation.

Erinma blogs about everyoneandeverything and seasonal food. As co-founder of creative social enterprise, Squirrel Nation, she makes movies to imagine alternative futures, the latest is also the subject of her talk for TEDxCity2.0, Everyday Growing Futures.

Erinma is a Fellow of the RSA and you can find out more about Erinma’s work at aboutme.com/erinmaochu and follow her on Twitter as @erinmaochu.
