Tag Archives: Technology

The next 5’000 days of the web

TEDxLeeds2009 opened with a screening of Kevin Kelly’s thrilling 2007 talk on “The next 5’000 days of the web“.

The founding editor of WIRED magazine, a board member of the Long Now Foundation and a celebrated writer on the parallels between biology and digital culture, Kevin shared an interesting fact – that the web was only 5000 days old.

In this talk, he speculates on what might come in the next 5’000 days…

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Yes We Can: Innovating Out Of A Recession

I once joked that ‘when I grow up, I want to be Norman’!

My most valuable mentor and the person who’s most shaped my career and world-view in the last half decade, Dr. Norman Lewis was the first guest speaker at TEDxLeeds2009. Norman issued a provocative challenge to the prevailing culture of limits and risk-aversion, in order to foster innovation for future wealth creation.

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Guest Speakerinnovation